Thursday, July 31, 2008

Providence Canyon in Lumpkin, GA

This week I went to Providence Canyon State Park, which is a large canyon formed by erosion in western Georgia. It is also called "Georgia's Grand Canyon. It is over one hundred and fifty feet deep at parts and covers a vast area. The canyon floor is streaked by stream beds which visitors can explore. There are hiking paths all through the bottom and along the rim of the canyon.

"I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority."
--William Westmoreland

Providence Canyon from the rim
A pretty butterfly down in the canyon
The canyon wall from the bottom
This little cat was sitting in the first creek bed I came to
A formation at the top of the canyon rim
Dragonfly in the creek bed
A rare flower that only grows in that immediate part of the country, the Plumleaf Azalea

From top to bottom:

-Providence Canyon from the rim
-A pretty butterfly down in the canyon
-The canyon wall from the bottom
-This little cat was sitting in the first creek bed I came to. She took to me and followed me for the rest of my time exploring the canyon
-A formation at the top of the canyon rim
-Dragonfly in the creek bed
-A rare flower that only grows in that immediate part of the country, the Plumleaf Azalea


Spoz said...

Absolutely beautiful..Your photographs themselves are outsanding but it never fails to amaze me that we have been given such beauty in nature :)

William S said...

Thanks for visiting Spoz, and for the nice comment!